Featured Speaker:
Wayne Cascio
Robert H. Reynolds Distinguished Chair in Global Leadership
Univ. of Colorado.
Performance Management is a topic of importance as more emphasis is being placed on growth and competitiveness. A poll of 700 business leaders in 2009 revealed that 92 percent recognize that superior talent provides a competitive advantage. Yet, “60 percent of workers say reviews don’t do anything to help their future performance.” On September 18, HARRT and its distinguished speakers and discussants will examine both sides of the dialogue as to whether and under what circumstances, performance appraisals can be an integral part of high performance culture and under what circumstances this method falls short.
Wayne F. Cascio, who holds the Robert H. Reynolds Chair in Global Leadership at the University of Colorado Denver, is a recognized and influential scholar and writer in the field of Human Resource Management. Professor Cascio will take a practical approach to what steps can be taken to make the performance-management process more relevant and acceptable to the individuals who will be affected by it. As our distinguished speaker, he will cover how to best fit performance management to the strategic direction of the business, who should be involved in the evaluation process, how they should be trained and what an effective performance management process looks like in connection with the results of a pre-survey of HARRT members covering both the technical and interpersonal aspects of the performance management process.
A panel of our members—Cozette Hart and Joyce Rowland—will present the highlights of the survey results on performance management and evaluation, sharing their experiences, issues and approaches to performance management given the cultures of their organizations and the composition of their workforces to stimulate small group discussion among our members, faculty and guests.