Featured Speakers:
Patrick Wright Ph.D.
Richard Antoine
David Lewin
The May 23 Round Table brings academic and practitioner thought leaders together to discuss the issues surrounding the role of HR leaders in organizational change. Featuring Dr. Patrick Wright from Cornell will report the results of interviews with a number of CHRO officers regarding the different types of strategic change, as well as the levers, obstacles, and strategies for implementing strategic change. Dick Antoine, President of the National Academy of Human Resources (NAHR) will draw his experience with companies represented by the NAHR Fellows and his experience as Chief Global HR Officer for Procter & Gamble.
A panel of two of our distinguished members, Alan Kaye, EVP and CHRO at Mattel, Inc. and Patricia Summers, SVP of HR at Jacobs Engineering Group will share their experiences and respond to what is presented by our academic thought leaders.