One of the most unique aspects of HARRT is the inclusion of leading academic thought leaders from a variety of fields with direct and indirect linkage to the practice of human resource management through its faculty associates. These individuals are engaged in teaching and cutting edge research geared toward understanding the context in which business and public and not-for-profit services are conducted, as well as the underpinnings of human behavior, decision-making and organizational effectiveness.
Teaching is enhanced by the findings from their research and made more applicable to students through invited practitioners from our membership who present living case situations to graduate students in the classroom. You will note that our faculty associates are considered experts in their fields through their extensive publications and interviews on topics in which they specialize.
UCLA Anderson School of ManagementCorinne BenderskyHARRT at UCLA Faculty Chair, Professor and Area Chair, Management & Organizations |
UCLARobert BilderMichael E. Tennenbaum Professor of Psychiatry & Biobehavioral Science in the David Geffen School of Medicine |
University of California, BerkeleyJennifer A. ChatmanPaul J. Cortese Distinguished Professor of Management |
UCLA Anderson School of ManagementSam Culbert, Ph.DProfessor of Management and Organizations |
UCLA Anderson School of ManagementChris EricksonProfessor of Management and Organizations, Senior Associate Vice Provost and Director of the UCLA International Institute |
UCLA Fielding School of Public Health Associate Dean, UCLA Graduate DivisionSusan Ettner, Ph.DProfessor in the Division of General Internal Medicine and Health Service Research School of Public Health |
UCLA Anderson School of ManagementEric FlamholtzProfessor Emeritus |
UCLA Anderson School of ManagementGeorge GeisAdjunct Professor |
UCLA Anderson School of ManagementNoah GoldsteinProfessor of Management and Organizations Alice Liu Yang Endowed Term Chair in Teaching Excellence |
Charles J. Soderquist Chair in Entrepreneurship, UC DavisAndrew B. Hargadon, Ph.DProfessor of Technology Management |
UCLA Dept. of Economics, Politics, and Public PolicyMichael Intriligator, Ph.D (In Memorium)Professor Emeritus |
UCLA Anderson School of ManagementUday KarmarkarDistinguished Professor in Decisions, Operations, and Technology Management, L.A. Times Chair in Technology and Strategy |
UCLA Anderson School of ManagementCorinne BenderskyHARRT at UCLA Faculty Chair, Professor and Area Chair, Management & Organizations |
UCLARobert BilderMichael E. Tennenbaum Professor of Psychiatry & Biobehavioral Science in the David Geffen School of Medicine |
University of California, BerkeleyJennifer A. ChatmanPaul J. Cortese Distinguished Professor of Management |
UCLA Anderson School of ManagementSam Culbert, Ph.DProfessor of Management and Organizations |
UCLA Anderson School of ManagementChris EricksonProfessor of Management and Organizations, Senior Associate Vice Provost and Director of the UCLA International Institute |
UCLA Fielding School of Public Health Associate Dean, UCLA Graduate DivisionSusan Ettner, Ph.DProfessor in the Division of General Internal Medicine and Health Service Research School of Public Health |
UCLA Anderson School of ManagementEric FlamholtzProfessor Emeritus |
UCLA Anderson School of ManagementGeorge GeisAdjunct Professor |
UCLA Anderson School of ManagementNoah GoldsteinProfessor of Management and Organizations Alice Liu Yang Endowed Term Chair in Teaching Excellence |
Charles J. Soderquist Chair in Entrepreneurship, UC DavisAndrew B. Hargadon, Ph.DProfessor of Technology Management |
UCLA Dept. of Economics, Politics, and Public PolicyMichael Intriligator, Ph.D (In Memorium)Professor Emeritus |
UCLA Anderson School of ManagementUday KarmarkarDistinguished Professor in Decisions, Operations, and Technology Management, L.A. Times Chair in Technology and Strategy |
UCLA Anderson School of ManagementCorinne BenderskyHARRT at UCLA Faculty Chair, Professor and Area Chair, Management & Organizations |
UCLARobert BilderMichael E. Tennenbaum Professor of Psychiatry & Biobehavioral Science in the David Geffen School of Medicine |
University of California, BerkeleyJennifer A. ChatmanPaul J. Cortese Distinguished Professor of Management |
UCLA Anderson School of ManagementSam Culbert, Ph.DProfessor of Management and Organizations |
UCLA Anderson School of ManagementChris EricksonProfessor of Management and Organizations, Senior Associate Vice Provost and Director of the UCLA International Institute |
UCLA Fielding School of Public Health Associate Dean, UCLA Graduate DivisionSusan Ettner, Ph.DProfessor in the Division of General Internal Medicine and Health Service Research School of Public Health |
UCLA Anderson School of ManagementEric FlamholtzProfessor Emeritus |
UCLA Anderson School of ManagementGeorge GeisAdjunct Professor |
UCLA Anderson School of ManagementNoah GoldsteinProfessor of Management and Organizations Alice Liu Yang Endowed Term Chair in Teaching Excellence |
Charles J. Soderquist Chair in Entrepreneurship, UC DavisAndrew B. Hargadon, Ph.DProfessor of Technology Management |
UCLA Dept. of Economics, Politics, and Public PolicyMichael Intriligator, Ph.D (In Memorium)Professor Emeritus |
UCLA Anderson School of ManagementUday KarmarkarDistinguished Professor in Decisions, Operations, and Technology Management, L.A. Times Chair in Technology and Strategy |