HARRT at UCLA / UCI Paul Merage School of Business – 2022 DEI Summit


It’s a unifying force that we all relate to. Every employee wants to feel a sense of belonging in the workplace.

To solve historical challenges around diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives we need to look beyond the traditional approaches and metrics. DEI is so much more than a check-the-box initiative or CEO sound bite, it is part of an organization’s policies, practices, and ways of working. Belonging at work is just as fundamental as the work itself.

In recent years, many organizations have implemented DEI, bias, and belonging initiatives. However corporate leaders are questioning if they are meeting their DEI goals and building a framework for systems, processes, and procedures that will transform their organization and create a belonging culture today and in the future. Is this truly a paradigm shift or simply an act of going through the motions?

During this year’s first-ever co-UC hosted HARRT Summit, we will break through today’s status quo and challenge our beliefs around what it means to belong at work. Rich conversations will be guided by research-based approaches, keynote speakers, and shared resources all efforted at identifying barriers that better enable us to move the needle going forward.

This event is Invitation-Only. Please contact HARRT for more information.

Event Details: UCLA-UCI DEI Summit 2022 

Agenda:  Start times (PDT)

  • 11:30 AM Check-In & Networking
  • 12:00 PM Lunch
  • 12:30 PM Dean’s Welcome
  • 1:00 PM Session Begins
  • 5:30 PM “Belonging Wine Tasting” with Karen Nguyen (Reception & Networking)