WHAT: T-Mobile Case Competition presented by AnderTech, SOMA, and HARRT at UCLA
*This year’s prompt will focus on tech, strategy, and career mobility in support of their “Leaders to Executives” initiative.
WHEN: November 20th, 2016
*Prompt is released at 8am on Wednesday, 11/16, and judging begins at 9am on Sunday, 11/20. T-Mobile will hold office hours on Friday, 11/18.
WHO: Judged by T-Mobile Senior Executives, senior executive members of HARRT, and UCLA Faculty
WHY: $5,000 in cash and prizes to 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place + first round interviews for winning team
*T-Mobile will use the Case Comp to recruit for summer internships and full-time employment. All functions welcome.
BONUS: The winning team will also participate in the HARRT at UCLA “Day of Learning”, taking place in May 2017 with 200+ senior HR officials from California’s top companies in attendance.

Second Place Team: Ariel Milnes, Gergana Droumeva, Avdulkamal Abdullahi, Oumar Toure

First Place Team: Ben Yahalom, Amanda Rothstein, Stephanie Lee, and Do Kim

Third Place Team: Ryan Dumlao, Kartik Pantange, Yin Wang, Varun Shetty, and Aashwinder Lubana